High Fidelity Records announces pre-orders for upcoming releases

High Fidelity Records is now taking orders for the Fortunate Son EP. The CD/7” is slated to be released on July 19th. The 7” is limited edition, color vinyl, so get your orders in early. We are also working on something special to give away with the pre-orders.
Fortunate Son (Los Angeles) is a collective of former members of Try Harder, Wear the Mark, Miracle Mile, and As Hope Dies and current members of Final Fight, 7-Generations, and Graf Orlock. Fortunate Son sets itself apart from HFR's other projects with a more rock 'n' roll-influenced sound. If you like the Bars, Youth of Today and Panic all charged and ready to be unleashed, then get on it and pre-order!
To hear the band and for more info, check out www.myspace.com/fortunateson. MP3s and tour dates also available at Highfidelityrecords.com.

You can also place a pre-order for the new Countless Shadows EP, Maturity Through Tragedy. This high-powered four-piece from Grover Beach, CA is geared for fans of Strife, Mad Ball, Most Precious Blood and Hope Conspiracy. The official release date is set for Aug. 23rd and will be available in a limited edition “metal tin” version or a regular version. For MP3s and more info on the band check out www.countlessshadows.net or go to www.myspace.com/countlessshadows
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